Welcome to The National Theological Association
The National Theological Association (NTA) is a non-profit accreditation body dedicated to providing a professional, legal and relevant educational accrediting service to Christian Theological Seminaries and Bible Colleges in the Asia-Pacific
National Theological Association (NTA) is one of the Best accreditation agency from Asia and currently we accredits Christian Theological Institutions and Bible Schools We accredit schools of all sizes. NTA provides assistance whether they are on-campus or online.
We are aware that there is a growing trend for local Church leaders and pastors to train and equip their own members in typical Church-based settings. NTA respects the autonomy of the local Church and is willing to assist Church leaders in their desire to equip their own people at a local level.
What is NTA?
The National Theological Association is a Body of Theological Institutions Committed to the Evangelical faith, uniting to serve the Church in equipping God’s people for the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Why Choose NTA?
The main reason for the establishment of NTA was to be an aid to theological institutions in contextualizing theology in the Asia-Pacific context. Through this Christian pastors and Christian churches can be aided to be more effective in supporting Christian ministry more effectively with other Asians in their own context.
The International Alliance for Christian Education (IACE) is a global education network encompassing a variety of educational institutions and organizations in the evangelical tradition. The emergence and vital kingdom importance of Christian education as a global phenomenon calls for Christian educators in every global region and at all educational levels to affirm and unite around their mutual commitments to Christ-centeredness and confessional solidarity.